Monday, May 25, 2009

Visitors from the Spiritualist Church

The story continues ...

Today is Monday. Tom is on holidays so he was home with me all day. He continued to be melancholy. It had started in the church yesterday. I questioned him but I could not pin down the source of his sadness.

The day had begun oddly. He had woken up around 3.00am and got up at 5.00am. I had not slept well and was tired and grumpy and stayed in bed until nearly 7.30am. When he came in about 7.00 or so I had just woken up from a nightmare and was feeling forlorn and grumpy. I had been a small child who had lost things that she treasured; I remember a cup and perhaps a bear. The images were fleeting, the emotion far stronger than the visuals. It took me a while to drag myself out of bed, and I spent a long time thinking about the girl, and what ‘I’ had lost.

We discussed the church events again. It was not until after lunch, with my hands in hot water washing dishes, that I finally connected his mood and my dream together. I went out the front of the house to check the weather, which had been overcast all day and felt like rain, and said to myself ‘there is a storm coming’, which is the usual message I get when we are about to have some spiritual turbulence. A storm .. so I locked down the house shields and realised, rapidly, that the ‘storm’ was actually in the house with us.

Tom was sitting at the table. I asked him if he was aware of walking around with ‘anyone’ in his energy (inside his aura). He didn’t know. But I did. You see, what had happened to me during the washing up was the name Leopold. Leopold. An old name and completely out of the blue .. given that my thoughts were not on any subject related to that name. I told Tom what had happened and he said Leopold Zarvinski. We looked him up on the net. He really existed. It seems that Leopold, who might be related to Tom very distantly, had been somehow waiting at the building the spiritualist church uses for their services ... along with about 6 other ghosts.

When I checked around me, before talking to Tom, I found the little girl who had lost things, and 5 other lost souls, all drawing energy from both Tom and I. . They had latched on to us when we had walked into the building. That is when Tom had started feeling sad. That is when I had started to feel puzzled. After talking to Tom about them I arranged for them to be sent into healing. So that part of the storm passed without drama. Little did I know that another storm was brewing around my daughter? But that is another story.

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